Letter from the Co-Chairs

Jan. 12, 2018

Dear University of Arizona Community,

We are humbled that President Robbins asked us to serve as co-chairs of the University of Arizona strategic plan process. We feel that this is our opportunity to give back to the place where we have both built our careers. The UA is already world-renowned and highly ranked in many areas of emphasis. However, now is the time for people across the university to come together to craft a focused roadmap that will allow us to address society’s grand challenges and prepare our next-generation workforce. 

President Robbins is clear in his vision to refocus the university to address the worldwide influence of the convergence of the physical, biological, and digital sciences known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. How do we help our students be successful in this changing environment? How do we skate to where the puck will be instead of just where it is?  Even better, how do we impact the trajectory of the puck so we determine its path? This will be the focus of our strategic plan.

This will not be a top-down process, but rather one that engages the whole UA community. We have already begun gathering data and listening to stakeholders share their insights about what makes the University of Arizona great and what could make it even better. We will make sure that all who wish to contribute their thoughts and ideas will have an opportunity to do so in an iterative process that includes focus groups, online surveys, interviews, and town hall meetings.  We all have a voice in this process, so please contribute when you see opportunities to do so.

We value any thoughts, data, ideas, and stories that relate to the ongoing success of your individual units, and how they leverage the larger matrix of the university. If you have questions or information to contribute, please contact us

We are excited that this process is underway and ask you to participate with us.


Elliott Cheu
Elliott Cheu signature

Elliott Cheu
Associate Dean, College of Science

Lisa Ordonez
Lisa Ordóñez signature

Lisa Ordóñez
Vice Dean, Eller College of Management