Redefining International and Setting the Standard for a Global University in the Digital Age

The University of Arizona has a unique opportunity to set the standard for a global university in the digital age, and we are engaging communities globally in different ways as part of the strategic plan.
Each initiative has a project plan in place. Teams are working toward meeting milestones.
No active initiatives at this time - project plans are completed.
Up and Running
The goal/vision of each initiative has been operationalized.
Initiative Owner: Eric Bergthold
The University of Arizona aspires to become a thought leader for confronting global challenges by building on UArizona areas of strength, influencing strategic and policy decisions and implementing projects and activities overseas. To help the University achieve its goals, the Office of International Development (OID, formerly Office of Global Projects) was established in 2020 to increase the understanding and capacity of faculty and students to work internationally and to build stronger connections to international partners and donors with an initial focus on the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of State (DOS).
Launch Date: 07/30/2019
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2023
Initiative Owner: JP Jones
Co-owner: Lisa Turker
The UA will provide global access to high-quality UA educational programs through innovative Microcampus partnerships with international universities that enable, encourage and expand the global delivery of UA academic programs, international collaborative research, global engagement, multi-directional mobility, and brand awareness. The UA's Microcampus model extends the UA’s global presence through UA locations situated on the campuses of partner universities around the world. These Microcampuses leverage the infrastructure, services and faculty expertise of the partner institution, serving as educational and research hubs and as sites for study abroad.
The University of Arizona will become a top of mind destination for talented and diverse students from around the globe. We will draw freshman, transfer, and graduate students from diverse international recruitment avenues, as well as from the UArizona Academy high school program, the innovative dual degree microcampus model, and though sustained and highly visible marketing and on-the-ground presence in top markets for international students. The University will leverage the Wildcat Family by involving faculty, alumni, and current students in recruiting a globally diverse student body and will be a national model for creative, efficient, and effective international enrollment management practices.
Launch Date: 04/09/2019
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2020
The UA will develop dedicated pipelines of academically talented international students through an early university program called the UArizona Academy (UAA). UAA students may enroll independently or through UA-Affiliated high schools abroad. This program allows international students to earn UArizona credits while still in secondary school.
Initiative Owner: Joanne Lagasse-Long
The University of Arizona will ensure that international students have an excellent university experience and strong outcomes after graduation. The UA will become a national model for supporting the needs of international students. To achieve this, the UA will offer a high-touch, concierge-level of support for international students, addressing the special cultural, academic, social, financial, career, mental health, legal, and other issues that international students face as they integrate into UA's academic, social, and cultural contexts. The International Student Services Office collaborates with support services on campus and resources to assist students in more quickly adjusting to becoming part of the Wildcat community.
Launch Date: 06/11/2019
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2020
Initiative Owner: Erin Chadd
The UA will create a Global Center that will be the hub for international activities on the UA campus. The Arizona Global Center will serve as a one stop shop for services and activities for the UA’s international students, international faculty and scholars, and study abroad students, creating synergies and efficiencies in services including international student services (ISS), international faculty and scholars, international recruitment, admissions, and marketing, study abroad and student exchange, UA Passport Office and international food options. The Global Center will eventually be at the heart of a new International Village. Visit international.arizona.edu/global-center to learn more.
Launch Date: 03/19/2019
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2022
Initiative Owner: Harmony DeFazio Davies
The UA will establish a global network of dedicated UA Study Abroad sites around the world, where students earn UA credits as part of integrated curricular paths, pay UA tuition, and receive UA financial aid, greatly increasing the affordability and attractiveness of studying abroad. By co-convening UA classes abroad, the UA will create unique study abroad learning hubs that are both top quality and affordable, reaching more students than ever before, including UA Study Abroad students, non-UA US Study Abroad students, and other nationality students together.
Initiative Owner: Harmony DeFazio Davies
The University will become a national leader in virtual and in-person study abroad programming by maximizing affordable Arizona study abroad opportunities (including the dedicated network of study abroad sites in initiative #4.3A1) that allow students to seamlessly earn credit, keep on track towards their degrees, and apply Arizona financial aid, making study abroad accessible for all Arizona students.
Initiative Owner: John Konhilas
We will advance Arizona Health Sciences offerings into the global and online domains and bring the world closer together by defining the future of health care education, research and practice. Specific components include the creation of new online, blended and microcampus program offerings as well as the expansion of international research opportunities for students. Ultimately, these activities will lead to increased enrollment in Arizona Health Sciences microcampus, online and competency-based degree programs. Visit international.uahs.arizona.edu to learn more about this initiative.
Launch Date: 01/24/2020
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2023
Initiative tasks were completed, allowing for next steps to commence as needed.
UA Global Operations Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization affiliated with the University, enables effective global operations and presence necessary for implementation of Arizona International’s vision by establishing physical presence, as needed, at global locations, opening bank accounts, renting space, and performing other business needs abroad, facilitating tax and legal compliance, hiring location managers, study abroad site coordinators and any other employees needed at global locations or for international projects and hiring or entering into independent contracts with individuals to recruit international students abroad.
Launch Date: 04/09/2019
End SIF Funding: 6/30/2019